Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why HR1207 Is Important To The World

I have previously posted about Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill here and here. To date, it has 124 cosponsors in the United States Congress.

Again, this is important to people around the world, including us Canadians, because the Dollar is used as the reserve currency around the world.

Tuesday, Representative Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Florida who has not signed on to cosponsor HR1207 yet, had an interesting and eye-opening interaction with the Federal Reserve Inspector General:


Douglas Porter said...

"because the Dollar is used as the reserve currency around the world."

And that is exactly why it won't be audited. :)

Josh said...

Why is that?

Douglas Porter said...

Because the capitalists heavily influence both parties and 3/4 of the population is apolitical or just plain lazy.

Josh said...

Well let us hope there's enough passionate free-marketeers to fight back these evil capitalists.

Douglas Porter said...

Free-marketeers are capitalists. That is why the Gingrich "revolution" failed.

Josh said...

The Gingrich revolution failed because it was hoax and Gingrich is a moron.

Douglas Porter said...

Nope. They were serious, but they couldn't control their natural capitalist urge to capitalize.. controlling the government.

Calling Gingrich names is not a counter-argument.

Josh said...

Well, he is. And using him as an example of a free-marketeer is retarded.

The last real free market president that I can think of was Warren G. Harding. Maybe Kennedy in that he tried to take power away from the Fed.

Douglas Porter said...

Hindsight is 20-20. During the early nineties Newt was definitely a free marketeer, balance the budget, cut social spending politician leader. It is only after his followers FUCKED UP THE REVOLUTION that we now think of the republicons as otherwise.

Josh said...

Balancing a budget and cutting social spending does not equal a free-marketeer. You cannot be a free-marketeer and support the federal reserve system. The definition of a free market is contradictory to existence of the federal reserve.

Douglas Porter said...

Lol, Josh will never learn that the Fed was setup by capitalists and that capitalists continue to capitalize on his and Ron Paul's stupidity.