Thursday, May 21, 2009

Partido Movimiento Libertario

Costa Rica is having an election in February of 2010. One of the more surprising developments in the political world of Costa Rica over the past decade has been the growth of their own Libertarian party. It has continually increased its delegation and portion of the popular vote through each election since it was founded. You can read about it on its Wikipedia page.

Policy Positions (from Wikipedia):

-Break up of all of the state-owned monopolies and eliminate legal barriers on private economic activities

-Provide a low flat tax for the income produced within the country, eliminate many of the current taxes

-Free trade -- eliminate tariffs and barriers to the entry of goods

-Freedom to choose the currency that consenting individuals want

-Freedom to choose your own doctor within the social security system

-Strengthen individual pension accounts

-Freedom of parents to choose schools through vouchers

-Respect for private property

-Reduction of the participation of government in the economy

-Freedom of speech and press

-Respect for the sexual preferences of the people

-Respect for the religious beliefs (or lack thereof) of the people

-Defense of the right to own guns to defend private property and life

-Transfer of responsibility from central government to local governments

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