Monday, May 18, 2009

That Which Is Right With The Republican Party


Douglas Porter said...

Orwellian speech about Liberty with a capital L. However, it is not about Liberty. It is about consitutional checks and balances in government and the freedoms a person should exercise vis-a-vis the government as a citizen. Again, I should not be able to be free to kill another person.

Josh said...

The freedoms a person should exercise vis-a-vis the government as a citizen?

Sounds rather fascist to me.

Douglas Porter said...

Then the founding fathers were fascist you idiot. And so is the constitution. FASCIST.

Josh said...

No, you're saying people exercise the freedom given to them by government.

The founders wrote to protect the peoples' freedoms from the government.

Douglas Porter said...

"No, you're saying people exercise the freedom given to them by government."

Huh? Learn to READ. I said it was about the checks and balances and the freedoms a citizen should exercise vis-a-vis the government. Nowhere did I say anything about "given".

"The founders wrote to protect the peoples' freedoms from the government."

Indeed, but with the expressed assumption that government had to exist. Therefore, there is no such thing as "The Government".