Monday, December 29, 2008

Some Predictions On The Future Of The United States. . .

. . .and these are not from my typical sources.

In the first video, note the mention of the US dollar not being backed by gold. Russia has a large amount of gold reserves; Bernanke has been very openly selling off US gold reserves to the rest of the world.


Chris said...

These commentators are dishonest. They never say anything about unionization, trade barriers that punish corporations for producing American products under anti-democratic regimes, and tell us we must save. These people are the ones who are spreading the propaganda of their class..

Chris said...

There are alternatives. The corporate paid talking heads just don't want to discuss them.

Douglas Porter said...

Commentators like the guy in the middle video should be discredited for what they are: Paid hacks of the corporations and business elite who argue for capitalism at the expense of everyone else. People should concentrate on putting food on the table! What a bunch of horseshit.

Josh said...

Jim Rogers does say that in the future it'll be the farmers that will be driving Maseratis.

The fella in the middle video is probably a hack, and he is probably just their to promote being fearful of Obama and fulfilling Fox's right wing agenda.

Douglas Porter said...

"Jim Rogers does say that in the future it'll be the farmers that will be driving Maseratis. "

Then the can bloody well pay to keep their product safe. Luckily, most vegetables are safe anyway, so it is a false example.

"The fella in the middle video is probably a hack, and he is probably just their to promote being fearful of Obama and fulfilling Fox's right wing agenda."


Josh said...

"Luckily, most vegetables are safe anyway, so it is a false example."

Mom and Dad would probably dispute this.


I've learned more about him. He's not a hack, fairly consistent actually.

Chris said...

"Mom and Dad would probably dispute this."

Okay. Anyway, my point is that not everything needs to be tested.

"I've learned more about him. He's not a hack, fairly consistent actually."

He's still a hack, because his version of reality goes against almost all economic theory and prediction.

Chris said...

You see, Josh, right wingers are laboring under the impression that they can somehow move the country back to pre-union times. They can't.

Josh said...

Ok, good for right-wingers.

Chris said...

It's you. You are a right winger.

Josh said...

I'm a right-winger?

Douglas Porter said...
