Thursday, August 13, 2009

Renae Mitchel From C4L Nails It


Douglas Porter said...

This video is incredibly funny. Hard, cynical, individualistic rock play on a backdrop of conservative, look-a-like whiteguydom idiocy.

Josh said...

The music is Aimee Allen: a hard, cynical, individualistic rocker who is a hard core Ron Paul supporter. I know, you laugh because you don't understand, because your world is turning upside down.

Douglas Porter said...

"The music is Aimee Allen: a hard, cynical, individualistic rocker who is a hard core Ron Paul supporter. I know, you laugh because you don't understand, because your world is turning upside down."

My world isn't turning upside down, Josh. Aimee whatever her name is is simply co-opting the music of rebellion. That is the same as "Christian rock" just makes even funnier.

Douglas Porter said...

Rock and roll is about rebellion against authority, which means "Christian rock" is a contradiction of terms.

Josh said...
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Josh said...

Well, Christian rock is lame simply because I cannot relate to the lyrics.

Its simply a matter of personal taste.

However, no one sector of the public owns a style of music.

Douglas Porter said...

"Well, Christian rock is lame simply because I cannot relate to the lyrics.

Its simply a matter of personal taste.

However, no one sector of the public owns a style of music."

Sorry to burst your bubble, Josh, but rock and roll is about rebellion. It is just that simple. This Aimee person is not rebelling. She is merely reaffirming the values she was taught and acting as if she is a rebel by playing rock and rock.

Josh said...

She's singing about a bunch of people who own people who generally are part of a militia. She's singing about revolution to people who want to tear down the fabric of the modern monetary system, abolish almost all US government agencies, and bring home hundred of thousands of troops. Do you not think she's rebelling? Seriously?