Wednesday, August 12, 2009
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Random thoughts and interesting tidbits. . .
. . .focused on current economical and political events.
"But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual."
Thomas Jefferson
Obama's rating is falling because of various reasons.
Good work Sherlock!
What? I thought you were denouncing Obama for one reason!
No, I just felt like posting his approval ratings.
Approval ratings are based on a cornucopia of issues.
My main issue is that he's a lying murderer, but only because that's the most extreme of his crimes. But even I dislike him for many more reasons.
I guess the founders were murders as well, because war is considered a right of sovereignty.
Lying once does not make him a "lying" (general) _______. "Lying ____" suggests that he lies all the time. Can you list all his lies?
"But even I dislike him for many more reasons."
Such as?
"I guess the founders were murders as well, because war is considered a right of sovereignty."
Self-defense is not immoral. The revolutionaries had representives from all colonies support the revolution.
If Obama wants to kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan he should go to congress to declare war just like Bush should have. Then he would be a legal murderer. Though such a declaration would never pass because any democrat that would vote for it would be swiftly moved out of office in 2010. So Obama, ordering the death of civilians without congressional approval, acting on his own accord, is a murderer and should be thrown in jail.
I don't have to list all of his lies. Others are already doing it:
I don't follow any of these websites, I just googled them, but they seem to be able to reference their claims. I'm sure that some of the lies may not be lies and are biased just as I'm sure a sizable portion of them are actual lies.
Actually, I mostly just dislike him because he's a liar, a murderer, and assumes the right to indefinitely detain people and spy on the public. See, I like Kucinich and Sanders even though I disagree with them, because they don't lie. If either of them became president and continued to murder, indefinitely detain people, and spy on the public, I'd probably dislike them then.
"Self-defense is not immoral. The revolutionaries had representives from all colonies support the revolution."
Afghanistan is self-defense.
"If Obama wants to kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan he should go to congress to declare war just like Bush should have. Then he would be a legal murderer. Though such a declaration would never pass because any democrat that would vote for it would be swiftly moved out of office in 2010. So Obama, ordering the death of civilians without congressional approval, acting on his own accord, is a murderer and should be thrown in jail."
Again, the war is justifiable. Al Qaeda is there. Many citizens there support their goals. The war might be illegal because Bush didn't declare war, but this what should be being drummed over and over and what should lead to Obama's dismissal in the next election. But it won't, because boneheads go around talking about murderer this and murderer that. If the state and its voting citizenship is not serious about enforcing the constitution, then whatever the president does in the international sphere is justified by sovereignty. It is not suddenly murder. What is needed is a drumming of pro-constitutional and anti-activists, but that is not going to happen because of economic issues.
"I don't have to list all of his lies. Others are already doing it:
Much like most of the Republican lies made to win elections. Nothing new, Regan did, Bush did it, and Bush II stole an election.
"I don't follow any of these websites, I just googled them, but they seem to be able to reference their claims. I'm sure that some of the lies may not be lies and are biased just as I'm sure a sizable portion of them are actual lies."
That doesn't bother me. I'd rather see a democrat with teeth than a democrat with too much politeness.
"Actually, I mostly just dislike him because he's a liar,"
As far as I'm concerned, he can lie all he wants during the campaign if it leads to the successful defeat of assholes like Bush and McCain. The lies that matter are the lies that contradict his base.
"Afghanistan is self-defense."
Afghanistan is about to attack the United States?
"Al Qaeda is there. Many citizens there support their goals."
That doesn't matter. No declaration of war has been made. Not only that, but the US is detaining individuals without charge. The FBI doesn't even list Bin Laden as wanted. Noone has been convicted. The whole thing is a farce. If they want to get rid of Al Qaeda, march the fuck home and then there would be no recruiting.
"It is not suddenly murder."
Yes, it is.
"Much like most of the Republican lies made to win elections. Nothing new, Regan did, Bush did it, and Bush II stole an election."
And they're all a big bunch of assholes, along with Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon and Johnson. Does Ron Paul lie?
"That doesn't bother me. I'd rather see a democrat with teeth than a democrat with too much politeness."
You'd rather see a liar?
"As far as I'm concerned, he can lie all he wants during the campaign if it leads to the successful defeat of assholes like Bush and McCain. The lies that matter are the lies that contradict his base."
Which are the lies he made during the campaign.
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