Friday, August 7, 2009

Rand Paul Fundraiser in NYC


Douglas Porter said...

Hi, I am Peter Schiff. I say the same things on every single show I appear on, because I am a talking head who makes money on only presenting a very narrow part of the argument.

Josh said...

If his main goal was to make money, I wonder why he's going to run for senate? He makes far more money doing what he does than he would as a government official for 6 years.

Douglas Porter said...

Senators make hundreds of thousands on the side in appearances, consultation, etc.. Clinton made millions. Don't underestimate the money-making potential of an insider perspective.

I would love to hear what Schiff has to say about jobs. He was very careful not to say anything when that lady commentator brought up unions after asking what he is suggesting we do.

Josh said...

He'd probably say what you expect him to say.

Douglas Porter said...

Indeed. And that is why he is basically useless. Investment is only one part of the economy, and Schiff knows it. That's why he holds his tongue when the issue of jobs comes up. Any other time his tongue would be just waging with "wisdom".

Josh said...

He knows jobs and the standard of living for the middle class will increase with a healthy economy, lower taxes, less regulation, and sound money.

Douglas Porter said...

"He knows jobs and the standard of living for the middle class will increase with a healthy economy, lower taxes, less regulation, and sound money."

Good thing I'm talking about what will happen to the working class, not the middle class. There are two definitions here: the middle class in how much money a person makes, and which most of the working class has been a part of to date. And then there is the definition of the middle class in relation to productions, with the middle class being the professionals, managers, and teachers IN THE MIDDLE of the capitalists and workers, and before, the feudalist class and the peasants.

Josh said...

I think we'd both agree that a healthy, vibrant middle class would include the workers.

Douglas Porter said...

"I think we'd both agree that a healthy, vibrant middle class would include the workers."

Not at all, because you are working against such a political reality. You are AGAINST the last 70 years of successful social rule.

Josh said...

"Not at all, because you are working against such a political reality. You are AGAINST the last 70 years of successful social rule."

The last 70 years and created the largest income gap between the rich and middle class in history. This is successful social rule? Almost all of the national social programs in the US are on the brink of collapse, losing billions of dollars every year; education and health care in the US has deteriorated; millions of people have lost their homes; there's 20% unemployment; 70 years of successful social rule? No sir. Not even close.

Douglas Porter said...

"The last 70 years and created the largest income gap between the rich and middle class in history."

What are you talking about? The last seventy years virtually wiped out poverty in North America, wiped out senior citizen poverty, has overall provided healthcare to everyone, increased the incomes of most people to levels reserved for those in the roar in the twenties, and promoted social justice in most spheres. There have been some excesses, but those can be rectified.

"This is successful social rule?"


It is better than:

"What wage earners should hope for is to earn enough to live a good life and a bit extra to save for a rainy day or to pass on to their next generation."

:and the poverty it brings in bad times, as history proves.

"Almost all of the national social programs in the US are on the brink of collapse, losing billions of dollars every year;"


Not all that much, really. What has happened is Asia. Instead of being the only modern, successful system, it is now one of many. And the Asians live, breath and eat education as a BASIC CULTURAL MORAL SIGNIFIER. Obviously they are going to be better.

"and health care in the US has deteriorated;"

Because it is getting too expensive, which makes it unprofitable without death panels.

"millions of people have lost their homes;"

Capitalism's fault.

there's 20% unemployment;

Capitalism's fault.

"70 years of successful social rule? No sir. Not even close."

This is one of those lies you tell yourself, Josh. If you think the current economic crisis, which has been only a year and a half = 70 years of social rule, you have some of sort of brain disease, because your logic doesn't seem to be working.

Josh said...

"The last seventy years virtually wiped out poverty in North America"

And has created the largest income gap between the richest and middle class in the history of the US. Its the disparity between income I'm concerned about, are you not?

"promoted social justice in most spheres"

Its funny how "social justice" is the opposite of "justice". Why are we not promoting JUSTICE?

"wiped out senior citizen poverty"

Yep, we're paying old people to be poor while discouraging this generation from saving appropriately for retirement, all the while social security in most countries is scheduled to go bankrupt at some point in near future leaving nothing for the generation after the baby boomers.

The major problem with social security (CPP in Canada) is that its a ponzi scheme. Its based on the same logic Madoff based his investing on. The money I pay into the system is supposed to guarantee me a pension when I'm older; I'm supposed to get the money back. However, that's not how it works, the money I put in today is given to those using CPP today, with no guarantee that my money will be there when I'm retired. If given a choice NOONE would invest this way knowingly.

"and the poverty it brings in bad times, as history proves."

Please provide historical reference.

"And the Asians live, breath and eat education as a BASIC CULTURAL MORAL SIGNIFIER. Obviously they are going to be better."

And the department of education in the US has done nothing but dumb down public education. At least in Canada public education is left to the provinces.

"Because it is getting too expensive, which makes it unprofitable without death panels."

Why is it getting too expensive?

""millions of people have lost their homes;"

Capitalism's fault.

there's 20% unemployment;

Capitalism's fault."

LOL The fault of a bubble economy created by government subsidy, regulation, and the federal reserve.

"If you think the current economic crisis, which has been only a year and a half = 70 years of social rule, you have some of sort of brain disease, because your logic doesn't seem to be working."

If you don't think past actions and trends lead to current events, you're an idiot.