Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Protecting The Right To Bear Arms


Douglas Porter said...

This guy came to the meeting just to be a dick. He probably stood in the front and yelled and screamed while the rest of the audience, people who don't necessarily agree with him, sat quietly.

Josh said...

I'm not so sure. Seems like a pretty peaceful fella to me. I wouldn't know though as I've never met the man and wasn't at the rally.

I think its rather ignorant to make assumptions about an individual you've never met, don't you?

Douglas Porter said...

Not at all. I'm pretty damn sure that most town halls are filled with a mix of opinions. 63.7 million people voted for Obama. 63.7 million. That means that there should be an even spread at these meetings. When I see someone like the bonehead in this video jumping to the front of the group and rambling on as if everyone in back of him agrees, i think DICKTATOR ASSHOLE BONEHEAD> And then when the Fox new channels spin such people as "the people are opposing Obama" I am proven right. SHITGAGANDA>

Josh said...

63.7 million? That means 240 million people didn't. So no, that doesn't mean there should be an even spread, and as well, some people are more active than others.

And yes, Fox News propagandizes, duh. So does MSNBC and CNN, duh.

But that doesn't mean anything about this individual.

Douglas Porter said...

"63.7 million? That means 240 million people didn't. So no, that doesn't mean there should be an even spread, and as well, some people are more active than others."

The polls of everyone also showed big and do show big support of Obama. Therefore, there should be an even spread. This wingnut goes to the front of the meeting and LIES that he is somehow representing the views of everyone in the audience.

"But that doesn't mean anything about this individual."

He is exactly the type who wants to talk about "we the people believe this" when it is obviously not the case.

Josh said...

"This wingnut goes to the front of the meeting and LIES that he is somehow representing the views of everyone in the audience. "

This "wingnut" (i'm not sure why you think he's a wingnut) doesn't proclaim to represent the views of everyone. Its the mainstream media that has given him so much attention.

If you pay attention to my blog, you'll notice support for Obama is dwindling. And as I mentioned, while 45 - 50% of the people might say on the phone they support him and his policies, only a small fraction of those people are politically active. The non-left-wing sector of the populace, whether they be part of the Ron Paul movement, or 911 truthers, right-wing extremists, or main stream conservatives, are the most active political sector in the US right now.

"He is exactly the type who wants to talk about "we the people believe this" when it is obviously not the case."

He represents the perspectives of many people...so? I thought you were for the right to bare arms?

Douglas Porter said...

"This "wingnut" (i'm not sure why you think he's a wingnut) doesn't proclaim to represent the views of everyone. Its the mainstream media that has given him so much attention."

When he says "we the people say no" he becomes a wingnut. Both the election results and the polls prove otherwise.

"If you pay attention to my blog, you'll notice support for Obama is dwindling. And as I mentioned, while 45 - 50% of the people might say on the phone they support him and his policies, only a small fraction of those people are politically active. The non-left-wing sector of the populace, whether they be part of the Ron Paul movement, or 911 truthers, right-wing extremists, or main stream conservatives, are the most active political sector in the US right now."

Those who are not "active" still know enough about politics to make a decision, Josh. And they are being led astray by the massive small-business propaganda machine on the Internet.

"He represents the perspectives of many people...so? I thought you were for the right to bare arms?"

Don't change the subject. We are now talking about morons who think they represent the populace becasue they are standing at the front of the hall.

Josh said...

"Those who are not "active" still know enough about politics to make a decision"

They're not the ones getting on TV, they're not the one pushing new ideas, they're not the ones who are forcing Americans to think more critically than ever about the status-quo, the nature of their government, and the direction they're heading in. Not even the most active left is doing this. They're simply spending most of their time reassuring themselves that everyone love them, or making everyone associated with the right side of the political spectrum look like hicks. The Ron Paul people are the only ones who are making a big attempt to fill the political and intellectual void in the US. It only takes a very active 10-20% minority to shape a country.

"We are now talking about morons who think they represent the populace becasue they are standing at the front of the hall."

Think this guy went to CNN begging to be put on TV?