Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"I Regret That I Voted To Send Our Troops To Iraq . . . God Forgive Me For Making That Decision"

Congressman Walter Jones is a Republican from North Carolina. He is not part of Republican leadership and he is not one with large political aspirations. He's simply apologizing and asking forgiveness for his role in sending troops to Iraq. There's a little bit too much religion in his speech, but its still significant to see a Republican on the floor of the U.S. Congress apologizing for voting for war.


Douglas Porter said...

Taking one for the party, I see. Let an insignificant Republican apologize and hence make the Republican party look like it is apologetic! Wow. And you are swallowing this crap in one gulp. Shame..

Josh said...

Walter Jones, for the most part, is a friend of the liberty movement. He typically cosigns a lot of Ron Paul's bills, even before Ron Paul was known by so many.

He isn't quite as principled as Paul, or as intelligent. . . if it had been any other insignificant representative, I probably would not have posted it.

Keep in mind that this man is from a military district in the south. This speech would probably damage his re-election chances more than help them.

I do not believe it makes the republican party appear apologetic. I think we'd need to see the likes of Jim Boehner, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell publicly apologize first, which you will never do.

It does, however, indicate there is a change in the winds. That not all repugs are toeing the party line.

Douglas Porter said...

The "liberty movement". What a crock of shitganda. As if the libertards are "the liberty movement".

"Keep in mind that this man is from a military district in the south. This speech would probably damage his re-election chances more than help them."

Yes, I know.

Josh said...

"The "liberty movement". What a crock of shitganda. As if the libertards are "the liberty movement". "

If they aren't, who are?

Douglas Porter said...

Any movement that strives for liberty.... OBVIOUSLY.

Josh said...

Like the R3VOLUTION :)