Friday, August 7, 2009

Douche-Bag Host Bullies Schiff

The left is in power for 200 days and everyone starts acting like Bill O'Reilly. Apparently this host doesn't believe that any thought that expands longer than 10 seconds of speech is worth listening to. He evens admits toward the beginning of the interview that only 30 second sound bites in politics have any value. Buddy obviously doesn't understand that Schiff is actually attempting to bring real change to politics; as opposed to the "change" brought by the great leader.

Schiff does an excellent job of keeping his composure through the entire "interview".


Douglas Porter said...

And of course you are not bright to realize that Peter Schiff is the same speech over and over again. Sure, it's not 30 seconds, but he says the same thing over and over and never, NEVER, tackles the hard questions.

Josh said...

So...he shouldn't be given time to talk if he's invited on a show?

Douglas Porter said...

I think he should show his skill beyond conversations about the financial crisis.

Josh said...

That's why he's brought on these shows though.

Douglas Porter said...

Yes, so you are saying he has no courage to talk about something else? Or are you saying that he is a propaganda tool of the corporate media?

Josh said...

I'm saying that he's interviewed on particular subjects of which, if he is polite, he'll answer.

He goes out of his way on his own time to talk about other issues.

Douglas Porter said...

"I'm saying that he's interviewed on particular subjects of which, if he is polite, he'll answer.

He goes out of his way on his own time to talk about other issues."

But he clearly held his tongue when that lady asked him what he was suggesting that we do. HE HELD HIS TONGUE.

Josh said...

"But he clearly held his tongue when that lady asked him what he was suggesting that we do. HE HELD HIS TONGUE."

No. He told the lady what we should do.

Douglas Porter said...

"No. He told the lady what we should do."

Yeah, he said "we have to make something". Thanks Schiff! Thanks for that gem!

Josh said...

It was a gem.

Douglas Porter said...

"It was a gem."

A gem for the idiocracy.

Josh said...

Well, they need to start making stuff they can sell to the rest of the world. This will provide jobs and attract wealth.

They are not doing it.

That they are not doing something that seems so obvious, makes it worth pointing out that that's what they need to do.

Its like having to tell someone that thinks 1 + 1 = 3 that it really equals 2. It seems like a really stupid thing to have to point out, but you do anyway because the person that thinks it equals 3 is just that stupid.