Saturday, January 17, 2009

Max Keiser On Gaza and the Financial Holocaust

Max Keiser on the silence around the world in regards to Gaza:
It's not only reflecting badly on the Israelis, it's reflecting badly on humanity. It's not that I'm ashamed to be an American, it's that I'm ashamed to be a human being.
On the funding of the holocaust in Gaza:
Well, the question is, who's funding all of this? And, unfortunately because of the global banking system, and the way it's connected through the back offices of all of these banks, and it's all fiat currency, we all fund it. Until the globe goes to an Austrian school of economics and goes back to a gold standard, the ability to print fiat money to conduct this type of atrocity is going to continue. . .listen to Ron Paul in America"


Douglas Porter said...

R.I.P. cause-and-effect.

Josh said...


Douglas Porter said...

This commentator does not respect cause and effect.

Josh said...

Why do you say that?

Chris said...

Because he doesn't look at the basic causes.

Josh said...

Well, maybe not in these clips, but it doesn't matter, he's talking about enabling factors, which are important. The Israelis can be as racist as they want due to western racism, but without financing, they wouldn't be able to slaughter the Palestinians.

Chris said...

R.I.P. cause-and-effect.