Saturday, January 10, 2009

Scary Stuff

The Associated Press is reporting here that 70,000 Iranian students have requested permission from Tehran to suicide bomb Israel.

If Ahmadinejad allows this to occur, Israel will almost certainly strike back at Iran kick-starting a full out war in the Middle-East.

All because of a few rockets and an over reaction.


Douglas Porter said...

Israel's right wing is a reflection of our right wing.

Josh said...

This post was in regard to Iran's suicide bombers.

Douglas Porter said...

Yep, and my statement is a response to that statement. How? Everything is interrelated.

Josh said...

Ok, but I don't understand your point.

Douglas Porter said...

"Ok, but I don't understand your point."

The point is education and to drive home the importance of cause-and-effect, something you seem to have abandoned for "responsibility".