During a radio broadcast on FreeKeene, after Carroll was released, Carroll advised the cops treated him respectfully. The radio broadcaster even mentioned that one of the cops is a listener to FreeKeene and has spoken publicly about his own opposition on the war on drugs.
Carroll moved to New Hampshire from California as part of the Free State Project. From the website:
The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire.Live Free or Die.
He hates liberty and I love liberty!
He's a nigger. I'm a citizen.
He's a jew. I'm a German.
Black and white reasoning.
"The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire."
"Liberty-loving people" is trash, black-and-white thinking of the authoritarian libertard.
You realize there is nothing authoritarian about liberty right? It is in fact the antithesis to authoritarianism.
"You realize there is nothing authoritarian about liberty right? It is in fact the antithesis to authoritarianism."
I would suggest they stop using authoritarian verbiage, then. "Liberty loving people" is a black-and-white of the authoritarians. Oh, wait, defining marriage one way it too!
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