A month and a half ago, at the first break of warmer weather, I stopped wearing pants, and replaced them with shorts.
I stopped wearing sneakers, and replaced those with sandals.
I was so happy that winter was over, that Spring was enough to make me think it was Summer.
It wasn't summer though, but today it feels like we are much closer: for the first time this year I'm sitting in my living room, shorts and a t-shirt, at 10pm, with my balcony door wide open letting the fresh air fill the apartment (Sarah's wrapped up in a blanket).
There's one more accent on the night that makes it feel more like summer.
To kind of celebrate what has been a pretty good week, I'm having a few drinks tonight. All winter I have been drinking home-made wine, but I'm all out of that and decided to make a cocktail. Cocktails seem to be better associated with summer. The mix of fruit gives it a summer-like feel and a provides a perfect accent to a nice summer night.
Please enjoy the slide show of Cosmo to go along with the Cosmo I'm drinking right now. . .
I admire your optimisim but make some wine!!!!
Are you French?
Am I French?
I don't know. Are you French?
Are you French?
No, but are you French?
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