Friday, May 2, 2008

King Harper to visit ailing subjects in Fredricton

Our infallible leader is planning a site seeing tour of the flooded city of Fredricton.

This is sure to lift the spirits of those affected, as people will now feel as if the man who robs from them, cares for them.

At least citizens will get back some of the money stolen from them in the form of "aid".


Chris said...

Let's not forget that the very first forms of taxation for the public purse came into being as a response to the selfishness of the slave state and how it impoverished large segments of the population. SHIT! Let's not look at history and facts! Let's spout unreflected upon jibberish like that in this OP.

Josh said...

Please cite the "first forms of taxation".

Josh said...

Also, please note:

I'm not against taxation. I'm against a federal income tax for two reasons:

- no entity beyond myself should have rights over my property without my permission
- no entity, beyond myself, should have a right to know how much I make

Douglas Porter said...

The courts have already made this decision. You have fallen into conspiracy theory without argument.

The community has the right to know what you make, because your efforts and your utility are never separate from the community.

Josh said...

Assuming the courts are always right, and that there is no better way, is ignorant on your part.

Douglas Porter said...

I'm assuming that you haven't read the opinions of the justices and therefore can not competently comment on the issue. Have you read their arguments?

Josh said...

No I have not.

Douglas Porter said...


Josh said...

You have read the opinions of Canadian Justices on the income tax?

Chris said...

No, but I am not critiquing them.