Friday, March 26, 2010

Heated Discussion In Regard to Israel on MSNBC


Chris said...

Have to give to the Young Turk, he called the liar out on his lying. And this is how it should be. Not calling politicians and commentators out has resulted in political culture of an electorate that can't think. Critique is the wellspring of an objective political outlook.

Josh said...

Apparently though, you only support criticism you support, like most left-wing ideologues.

Douglas Porter said...

Hey, a two-state solution is not supporting one over the other, Josh. So, no, your rejoinder is wrong.

Josh said...

"Hey, a two-state solution is not supporting one over the other, Josh. So, no, your rejoinder is wrong."

No. What I'm saying is that since you think this is an ok issue to be critical of you support him being critical.

However, critism towards government policy from the "right" is a no no. They're just ignorant, racist, rednecks.

Chris said...

Yes, they are, but beCAUSE of reasons X, Y, and Z. I am not randomly rejecting the right, Josh.