Monday, January 18, 2010

Minimum Wage Laws Destory American Samoa Economy


Douglas Porter said...

What a disgusting video! People not profits! Reign in the corporations with guns! Make them pay a livable wage! Stop them from driving the average wage down to Third World levels, BECAUSE globally there is enough workers who want to work no matter what!

Douglas Porter said...

In short, no it is not the minimum wage that causes a loss of jobs; instead, it is the free market political ideology that allows corporations to move anywhere and pay any wage that causes the loss of jobs.

Josh said...

Right, so the US government should have taken over the tuna companies in the American Samoa and then have the American tax payer subsidize the losses incurred by having to pay the workers in the American Samoa higher wages?

Douglas Porter said...

No, it is a prime example of a fallacious, cynical argument.

Josh said...

Then what should have happened to prevent the tuna manufacturers from moving?

Chris said...

It is not a question of what should have happened, but what should be happening.

Josh said...

I'll try to ask the question in a way that might provoke an answer from you.

Problem: Due to legislation by the US government, the minimum wage in the American Samoa has been increased to a point where tuna manufacturers (the island's largest employer) no longer find it profitable to manufacture on the island and have left.

Solution: (please insert your solution here)

Josh said...

An answer which would have prevented the situation from occurring would also be acceptable.

Douglas Porter said...

A left-wing ideology, of course.

Josh said...

So..cotton candy and puppy dogs?

Douglas Porter said...

No, the implementation of the SUCCESSFUL social polices of North America and Europe over the last 60 years on a global scale. Eliminate the corporations right to pay slave wages and you will see the greatest explosion of human potential ever seen.

Josh said...

OOOOHHHH RIGHT! Cotton candy and puppy dogs!

Douglas Porter said...

The last 60 years have been successful, Josh. You can't deny it, so you say "cotton candy and puppy dogs". Good job!