Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Pledge


Douglas Porter said...

I don't know why anyone would need to pledged to be for freedom. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Josh said...

Well, you're in luck then, because you have no brain :).

Chris said...

It sounds like an ideological pledge to me. All movements since the Enlightenment, excepting fascism, have been in favor of freedom, including Marxism.

Josh said...

Very few movements truly understand what freedom is. Notice, they are not only pledging to be for freedom.

Chris said...

Indeed, and their movement is totally against economic rooted freedom. In fact, they are patently against it.

Josh said...

What are you babbling about?

Douglas Porter said...

I'm babbling about the logical conclusion of "competition". You know, the race to the bottom.

Josh said...

You`re still babbling; can`t make out a word that you`re saying.

Douglas Porter said...

Yes, wearing a filter called "Liberty" probably filters out all facts that don't affirms your idea.

Sheldon Furlong said...

I love brooks!

Douglas Porter said...

Brooks can not occur without an astounding number of causes-and-effects.

Sheldon Furlong said...

I love the effects no matter the cause! Purposeful existence is more important than the cause.