Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ron Paul On Afghanistan


Douglas Porter said...

I can't take seriously those who lend legitimacy to the Republicon party.

Douglas Porter said...

Ron Paul is a corporate hack that made his decision long ago: War spending is better than moral, social spending. That is why he is a Republicon.

Josh said...

Ron Paul is a corporate hack? Which corporation backs Ron Paul? Which one of the pharma, insurance, banking, auto, military corps that have paid off the democratic party have donated one cent to Ron Paul? WHICH CORPORATION DONATES TO AND SUPPORTS RON PAUL?

The guy that has publicly said "if they want to pay for health care, they should bring all of the troops home" thinks war spending is better than moral, social spending?

Are you retarded?

Douglas Porter said...

The libertards who support the corporations, of course.

Then he should get out of the Republicon party and join the Democratic party.

Josh said...

"Then he should get out of the Republicon party and join the Democratic party."

Why would he want to join the party of corporate hacks?

Josh said...

"The libertards who support the corporations, of course."

Libertards are not necessarily "pro-corporations".

Douglas Porter said...

Yes they are. Small business capitalism leads to corporatism. Remember, all the original industrialists were HUGE, not small itty-bitty businesses. Corporations are the logical result.

Josh said...

"Yes they are. Small business capitalism leads to corporatism. Remember, all the original industrialists were HUGE, not small itty-bitty businesses. Corporations are the logical result."

I'm not sure how that means libertards are pro-corporations. They are pro-individual "unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others". If corporations are the result of this, than it is simply a result. It is the principle of individual liberty libertards are for.

Douglas Porter said...

If the principle of "liberty" leads to corporations, which are marginally more democratic than the industrialists, then the libertarians are for corporations. You can't just be for capitalism, but not THAT type of capitalism. And, yes, most of the original family or individual-owned industrialists had lots of initial competition. Don't kid yourself, it was capitalism.

Josh said...

"If the principle of "liberty" leads to corporations, which are marginally more democratic than the industrialists, then the libertarians are for corporations."

I'm pro-legalizing of drugs, but that doesn't mean I'm pro the use of heroine simply because its a result.

Because an individual is pro-liberty, doesn't mean that individual is pro-every result of this liberty.

I'm pro all types of capitalism; you just do not understand what capitalism is.