Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Preview Rally For Republic DVD

This month plans to be a big one for the cause of liberty as the documentary For Liberty, the DVD of Rally For The Republic, and Ron Paul's new book End The Fed are all scheduled to be released.


Douglas Porter said...

I guess this is everyone who supports Ron Paul rallying in one stadium. Impressive. Unfortunately, their numbers are nothing compared to the number of people who supported Obama or Bush for that matter.

Josh said...

This is a stadium full of Ron Paul activists.

Chris said...

Yes, I know. Now imagine all the people who voted for Obama and how many stadiums it would take to contain them all..

Josh said...

Obama is right because more people voted for him.

If that's your argument, then there's no point to this discussion.

Chris said...

"Obama is right because more people voted for him.

If that's your argument, then there's no point to this discussion."

My point, once again, is that you guys are making yourselves look bigger than you are. You talk about "we the people" when the people have voted against you. There is no "we". That is patent nonsense. Those libertarians getting up and screaming at the Town Halls are merely a rude minority that are the existential equivalent to political propaganda blowfish.

Josh said...

"is that you guys are making yourselves look bigger than you are."

Maybe so, but thats what activists do.

"Those libertarians getting up and screaming at the Town Halls are merely a rude minority that are the existential equivalent to political propaganda blowfish."

I love how you go right to insults instead of making a legit argument...barely any of these wackos claim to be libertarian. Most of them do not represent what Ron Paul is trying to do. Even he acknowledges this. These people are just angry. There's an anger building up in the US population, and who's surprised? 20% of the working population are not working; tent cities are going up around all major cities; wars are being fought for no reason; banks are being continually bailed out while everyone else is suffering; These people are pissed off and I don't think they know quite how to express their anger properly without going all crazy.

No, Ron Paul would not be president tomorrow if a vote were to be held. But that doesn't mean he's not right. And it doesn't mean he doesn't represent "the people". He represents any person who wishes to live their life how they chose, and simply because the majority wish to give up their right and support a tyrannical government, doesn't men he still doesn't represent the people who wish to keep their rights and fight the government off of their backs.

Douglas Porter said...

"Maybe so, but thats what activists do."

No, activists argue for their cause; while propagandists tell lies and fairy tales to gain support.

Douglas Porter said...

"I love how you go right to insults instead of making a legit argument...barely any of these wackos claim to be libertarian."

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck.

Anywho, I already made my point before I launched into the acrimony.

"Most of them do not represent what Ron Paul is trying to do. Even he acknowledges this. These people are just angry. There's an anger building up in the US population, and who's surprised? 20% of the working population are not working; tent cities are going up around all major cities; wars are being fought for no reason; banks are being continually bailed out while everyone else is suffering; These people are pissed off and I don't think they know quite how to express their anger properly without going all crazy."

Corporations are moving to China, but you guys frame as if it is merely a governmental problem. BONEHEADS. People don't have jobs because the jobs are slowly being whittled away..

Douglas Porter said...

There has been a clear correlation between the rise of the union movement in the late 19th century, the corresponding rise of wealth for the majority, the attack on that movement by Regan in 1980, and then a slow decline since then until we reach now, which has us spun 360 looking at where we began: the Great Depression. Only this time, there is lots of stuff to tide people over for awhile... but not in the long-run. And THIS is what your polite-talking, for-poverty sack of shit leader is championing? He is a lying cancer as far as I am concerned. A cancer that should be rightly contradicted at every turn.

Douglas Porter said...

I know one thing. We aren't going to be going further to the right in the next election with a 20% jobless rate.

Josh said...

"No, activists argue for their cause; while propagandists tell lies and fairy tales to gain support."

A propagandist could still tell the truth and at the same time be a propagandist.

"Corporations are moving to China, but you guys frame as if it is merely a governmental problem. BONEHEADS. People don't have jobs because the jobs are slowly being whittled away.."

Your protectionist solutions have had no success historically and typically lead to economic disaster. A trade war is brewing between the US and China as the US has levied high tariffs on Chinese tires and now China has a launched a huge investigation of US dumping of auto parts and etc. will end well.

"There has been a clear correlation between the rise of the union movement in the late 19th century, the corresponding rise of wealth for the majority"

Correlation does not equal causation, idiot. There has been a clear correlation between free-markets, more innovation, more productivity, and thus a higher living standard. I guess we pick and choose which correlation best sides with our own dogma.

"There has been a clear correlation between the rise of the union movement in the late 19th century, the corresponding rise of wealth for the majority, the attack on that movement by Regan in 1980, and then a slow decline since then until we reach now, which has us spun 360 looking at where we began: the Great Depression"

LOL. You started in the late 19th century and then claimed we've pulled a 360 back to the 1930s...LOL IDIOT. A 360 takes you back to where you started. There has been a clear increase of the income gap between CEO's and the average worker since 1913; the introduction of the FED. This we'll ignore.

"Only this time, there is lots of stuff to tide people over for awhile... but not in the long-run. And THIS is what your polite-talking, for-poverty sack of shit leader is championing?"

The only thing tiding people over in the US right now is the Chinese, Japanese, and Saudi's buying up US debt to finance their welfare machine, and even this is coming to an end. Reality = That which the left ignores. Income tax only pulls in enough revenue to pay the interest on existing debt. Once the rest of the world loses their hope for a US recovery, the entire welfare/warfare structure in the US will collapse.

"I know one thing. We aren't going to be going further to the right in the next election with a 20% jobless rate."

I hope not. I hope we don't go farther to the left either. Hopefully someone gets in that has some common sense and will fight for individual liberty.