Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Judge Napolitano on Massachusetts Mandatory H1N1 Vaccinations


Douglas Porter said...

Horrible. Do these people ever think beyond the constitution? The founders could not have anticipated the ability of society to eliminate or control communicable diseases. They are not thinking. The state should have the ability to quarantine contagious individuals, because if they knowingly spread disease, they are potentially destroying the rights of other people: the right to life. Its the same thing with aids.

It's rights-based, logical, and totally legislatable if keep in control of elected officials, NOT agencies.

As for forced vaccinations, I agree, they shouldn't be able to force it. Some vaccines have killed in the past and hence it would violate the right to life..

Josh said...

"The state should have the ability to quarantine contagious individuals"

They were saying that the Mass. legislation gives the government power to quarantine individuals who refuse to take the vaccination.

Douglas Porter said...

"They were saying that the Mass. legislation gives the government power to quarantine individuals who refuse to take the vaccination."

I disagree with that, but agree that the state has the right to quarantine individuals who are contagious based on a rights argument.

Josh said...

Yea, I could seen an argument there.