Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Grayson (a Democrat) Announces A Hearing On HR1207

You'd think Ron Paul would be making such an announcement, but it serves a much better purpose to have an individual from the supposed opposition doing the talking.


Douglas Porter said...

Just wanted to point out that Napolitano is a liar.


Josh said...

Liar or ignorant right?

I don't see any indication that he knew what he was saying to be false.

Though, he is referencing the constitution, which the author of this video is not. So there could be a constitutional argument here that the author does not bring up. Nor has any examples of states excluding illegals from welfare programs been brought to a supreme court, for whatever reason, to challenge their constitutionality, as the video points out.

I would have to imagine though that Napolitano would know that simply because a supreme court rejects to hear a case doesn't necessarily conclude anything; so he's probably doing a bit of spinning on that for his audience, in which case, he lied.

Josh said...

They can't all be Ron Pauls :)

Douglas Porter said...

Stupid legal expert?

Josh said...

I never said that he was stupid.

Douglas Porter said...

"I never said that he was stupid."

You said he was not lying. That means he is stupid. Expert = smart.

Josh said...

I think to judge either way based a 1 min of speech is probably difficult.

Douglas Porter said...

"I think to judge either way based a 1 min of speech is probably difficult."

Nope. Either he is stupid, he is lying, or he is lazy, or his is reckless. All of these disqualify him as an "expert".

Josh said...

Well, he was a superior court judge, so, he's definitely an expert.

Unfortunately, we're all human and imperfect by nature.

Douglas Porter said...

"Well, he was a superior court judge, so, he's definitely an expert.

Unfortunately, we're all human and imperfect by nature."

Hey, retards on the right appointing judges will obviously appoint retarded judges.

Josh said...

Yea, I guess he knows nothing about law.