Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Doug Wead: Paul for Pres 2012

Doug Wead, an advisor to two past presidents, recently blogged on why Ron Paul needs to run for president in 2012:

He has woven a slender thread through the crimson cloth of Evangelical Christians and the pink cloth of Gay America, making one garment out of a people who have decided that they never really wanted or needed power, just the guarantee that government would stay out of their lives and not intrude. Who would have thought that this was politically possible?

He has gathered the hurt and wounded families of America who have suffered the extremes of our glorious “War on Crime,” which has become almost Soviet in its unintended consequences.

It is an amazingly diverse and complicated political fabric, with great demographic possibilities.

You can read the full article here.


Douglas Porter said...

Paul is an anti-constitutional small-statist. He is anti-American.

Josh said...


Chris said...

I'm sorry, but don't you believe that the Bill of Right is a universal document? And if so, it can't be universal if states can just choose to enact laws that contradict it. That's how he is anti-American.

Josh said...

Paul wants the states to be able to enact laws that contradict the US constitution?

Chris said...

Indeed, if he wants to set up laws on the state level that contradict the constitution. Prayers in schools...

AK said...

Heh heh, you said "wead"

Josh said...

The constitution does not reference education.

Douglas Porter said...

So what? It does reference congress and the fact that congress can legislate.

Josh said...
