Thursday, February 25, 2010

There Will Be A Revolution


Chris said...

Forward is the conservatard/libertard value set, while reverse is leftwing.

Chris said...

You might want to refrain from posting leftwing propaganda, Josh:

Josh said...

This is the problem with the left/right paradigm.

Chris said...

No, it is a problem with those who don't want to be classified the same as Rush Limbaugh. That YouTube channel is left-wing, anti-Ron Paul. Get your head around it, because it exists.

Josh said...

I'm cool with that. It still represents something I agree with.

Josh said...

The message of the video is what I like.

Chris said...

Yes, but the first reading is right-wing, including Ron Paul, while the second one is social democratic, Marxist, or communist.

Chris said...

Oh yeah, or anarchist. Can't forget the Black Brigade.

Josh said...

"Yes, but the first reading is right-wing, including Ron Paul, while the second one is social democratic, Marxist, or communist."

Please provide proof.

Chris said...

Read it.