Friday, February 5, 2010

Southern Avenger - Denmark Vesey Was a Terrorist


Chris said...

If Vesey was a terrorist, then every slave owner in the South was a terrorist.

Of course, "the Southern Avenger's" definition is retarded, because it doesn't take into the account the importance of context in defining "terrorist".


Josh said...

Yes, I'm sure the slave owners caused much terror.

Chris said...

Yes, in fact they caused terror on a daily basis for each and every slave that wanted to be free. You see, that is how the slave system worked. Slaves that tried to escape were lashed or hanged. That, for me, is a system of terrorism.

Josh said...

Ok. I agreed with you the first time.

Douglas Porter said...

The systematic terrorism of the slave owners justified the existence of Vesey.

Josh said...

And as I have always maintained, the systematic terrorism of the US justifies the existence of Bin Laden.

Douglas Porter said...

Gonna have to disagree here. Bin Laden is a rich boy ideologue who grew up in a protected state. He is thus hardly like Denmark Vesey.

Josh said...

Ok then. The terrorists that crashed the planes into the twin towers.

Chris said...

All of those terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Every last one of them had lots of cash. Please read up on how the oil wealth is divided in Saudi Arabia.

Josh said...

The justification is subjective. The hijackers obviously thought they had good reason to sacrifice their life. The terrorism committed by the US in the middle east, justified their actions in their mind. As Westerners, we may not understand it, but the slave owners probably didn't understand the terrorism of Denmark Vesey either.

Chris said...

That's all very nice, but clearly the "terrorism" of Denmark Vesey (which didn't even occur) was justified. Your principle, that terrorism is never right, allows systemic terrorism and exploitation a free pass. That is wrong.

Josh said...

"Your principle, that terrorism is never right, allows systemic terrorism and exploitation a free pass. "

Please re-read that statement. I don't feel like explaining the obvious idiotic statement you just made.

Chris said...
