Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lieutenant Allen West: Congressional Candidate

I'm sure this guy is no Ron Paul, but its a pretty good speech.


Douglas Porter said...

He was well-paid in the military because of the New Deal, pure and simple. It is a travesty that a who's ancestors were enslaved by like the founding fathers is now turning around and slandering the Obama government as "tyrannical". But so it is middle class.

Josh said...

I'm not sure what one has to do with another.

Douglas Porter said...

It means that the middle class is divorced from its causal roots, because it is rich enough to be so.

Sheldon Furlong said...

Sorry I have no idea what you mean Chris but this guy with talk of bayonets seems a bit off.

The Obama government was supposed to be a breath of fresh air. It smells very stale from where I sit.

Douglas Porter said...

I see, so politics has to be new and exciting or it is "stale". That is an incredibly stupid position.

Look up the meaning of the word "casual" to figure out what I meant. It is not my job to teach you English.

Sheldon Furlong said...

Your message is lost in your rude behaviour. I learned a long time ago that debate and dicussion with those who chose to take this tack is a futile endeavor.

For some reason you seem to feel that rude and childish behaviour in a debate enhances your arguement. It does not!

Josh said...


Douglas Porter said...

"Your message is lost in your rude behaviour. I learned a long time ago that debate and dicussion with those who chose to take this tack is a futile endeavor."

Your polite behavior is exactly the same. Think about it.

As long as you continue to be a denialist, I will continue to be rude. Those who filter reality for facts that they agree with are dangerous.

"For some reason you seem to feel that rude and childish behaviour in a debate enhances your arguement. It does not!"

And for some reason you think that you can reject a fact because you "believe" it is wrong.

Josh said...

The sky is blue.

This is a fact.

Man made emissions are warming the earth.

This is a theory. Another theory is that the earth is being affected by radiation from the Sun, as the Sun has a much larger impact on our climate than the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Douglas Porter said...

Man made emissions are warming the earth.

"This is a theory. Another theory is that the earth is being affected by radiation from the Sun,"


"as the Sun has a much larger impact on our climate than the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere."

Assumption based on ideology.

No, there is ample evidence to show that CO2 from the Industrial Age corresponds with the warming.

Josh said...

"No, there is ample evidence to show that CO2 from the Industrial Age corresponds with the warming."

No. There is a simple correlation. Correlation does not equal causation.

Chris said...

That is a stupid principle. The correct maxim is: Correlation does not necessarily equal causation.

Josh said...

True. My point still stands.

Douglas Porter said...

No, in this case correlation is causations. Mainly becusue that is not the only evidence.

Josh said...

Its the only evidence you provide, while ignoring the medieval warm period and warm periods prior to that.