Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rand Paul Wins Republican Primary


Chris said...

Rand Paul is a crazy Tea Bagger.

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josh said...

He's probably the best representative of the sane side of the tea party.

Chris said...

Yes, but he still a crazy Tea Bagger.

Josh said...

sticks and stones...

Chris said...

no, craziness is well-defined. for example, denying that the oil disaster was not caused by the free market is pretty crazy..

Josh said...

Caused by the free market? The "free market" wasn't negligent. Some individuals were. And regulators failed to them.

Chris said...

The free market in any one industry is always some individuals. Therefore, the free market, as opposed to the regulated market, failed. It is clear that the Americans need some true Socialists and communists in Congress and the Executive to make sure that the "free" market is actually regulated.

Josh said...

"Therefore, the free market, as opposed to the regulated market, failed"

Even though it was a regulated market? Idiot.

Chris said...

It is not regulated if they don't regulate it. Idiot.

Josh said...

It was regulated. Idiot.

Chris said...

It is not regulated if the regulator do not regulate, Josh. Jesus Christ, I can say I am a bird all I want, but if I can't fly there will be not flying. Regulation is the same.

Chris said...

Yes, this is a great example of the Bush era "regulation" that I have been talking about all along. There are laws, department, but those laws are not enforced by those departments. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. This is known as corruption, Josh.

Josh said...

"I can say I am a bird all I want, but if I can't fly there will be not flying."

Chickens can't fly; they're still birds.

Chris said...

I can say I am a chicken all I want, but if I am a fish I will not taste like chicken.