Monday, July 6, 2009

Pastor Steven Anderson


Douglas Porter said...

Most of the founders were Enlightenment supporting deists.

Josh said...

Yep. Thomas Jefferson wrote a bible without the miracles.

Douglas Porter said...

Or, it could be said that he was influenced deeply by Aristotle and wrote a constitution based on his writings.

Josh said...


Douglas Porter said...

That's basically what the Renaissance was all about: The rediscovery of the philosophy of the ancient Greeks and the DECHRISTIANIZING of society. If you read the Bible it is so obviously clear that it has nothing to do with the constitution that it if a constitution were based upon it, it would contradict most of its central rights.

Josh said...

Anything based on the bible is typically contradictory because the bible is inherently contradictory.

I still think Jefferson was influences significantly by Jesus, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered with the bible at all.

Chris said...

I think that the Christian values that aligned with Enlightenment ideals and arguments were championed, but the other values, you know 80% of them, were discarded. In terms of the times, Jefferson was the equivalent of a humanist non-believer in his day.

Josh said...
