Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For people who believe in global warming...

...please go here.


Chris said...

I don't believe anyone who makes pronouncements beyond the proper academic journals on a website with a deep blue background.

Chris said...

Once the scientific community starts drumming the beat of the climate change advocates, I'll consider giving it credence. Until then, it is wacky, right wing propaganda.

Chris said...

Chris said...

Link didn't work.

There is also a number of scientists opposing evolutionary theory. They are called "Christians". Should I care? Not really.

Chris said...

LOL. Why are the other 10,000 scientists so stupid, Josh?

Josh said...

I'm not so sure who is right here. But scientists who take funding from the powers at be that benefit from using global warming as a fear tactic leaves me skeptical.

There are 2 sides to every story. Can you or I prove which group of scientists are right or wrong? No. You and I are both do not know enough. But one must always be careful of motive.

Chris said...

That argument wraps around and slaps you in the face. Many of the scientists who discount global warming are funded by corporations. Therefore, I'll take the semi-independency of academia over the whims of individual self-interest any day.