It's 1:30 and I need to be up for work at 9.
Instead of getting much needed sleep, I'm posting a picture of me "busting a move" at the Christmas dance last year.
Random thoughts and interesting tidbits. . .
. . .focused on current economical and political events.
"But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual."
Thomas Jefferson
yo daddy O!
just the way I taught ya
I knew I was taught wrongly.
you mean you can't dance like that?
No, I meant I was taught this way.
Is that you blogging in the photo, Josh?
You could call it that if you like.
Then indeed I will.
Then I will indeed.
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